Saturday, August 3, dawned gray, chilly and rainy—hardly propitious for our annual
summer social. But the weather gods predicted clearing, and so a triple handful of
hardy MMSCC members convened at Sarah and Chrisso Rheault’s seaside home for
the traditional barbecue and picnic. (Only one especially hardy soul, Andy Curtin,
actually arrived in a sports car, his Miata, and kudos to him; the rest of us were in
our various daily-drivers.) True to the forecast, shortly after noon the fog and
clouds began to roll back and the spectacular view unfolded before us. The Rheault
“compound” lies at the end of Crow’s Nest Lane, on a point protruding into Davis
Cove in Cushing. Chrisso had prepared the charcoal grill and we cooked up what
we’d brought, shared our desserts, broke out the beer and wine and enjoyed what
turned out to be a delightful event. As ever, many thanks to Sarah and Chrisso for
their hospitality.